In the News & Published Articles
Featured CBS Ch. 4 news: Chair Yoga for seniors
NY Post 2024: “You can sleep and feel better with this 5-minute desk routine, read the NY Post article Click here to read
CNN 2024: Chair yoga is not just for older people. It’s good for everyone, especially the desk-bound”
CBS Miami News 2011 "Stacie Dooreck is a yoga Instructor that is breathing new life into South Florida seniors. She owns SunLight Yoga in South Florida. 'If you are in a chair and your hips hurt or your knees hurt, you can do the arm movement in a yoga pose,' said Stacie Dooreck. The point is to keep the muscles active, but how does that happen sitting down? 'Sitting in a chair, you get a similar effect for the flow of energy and circulation,' Dooreck said to CBS4’s Jorge Estevez at the Miami Beach Senior Center, where the seniors were learning Yoga." See the news segment below:
CNN 2024: Chair yoga is not just for older people. It’s good for everyone, especially the desk-bound”
CBS Miami News 2011 "Stacie Dooreck is a yoga Instructor that is breathing new life into South Florida seniors. She owns SunLight Yoga in South Florida. 'If you are in a chair and your hips hurt or your knees hurt, you can do the arm movement in a yoga pose,' said Stacie Dooreck. The point is to keep the muscles active, but how does that happen sitting down? 'Sitting in a chair, you get a similar effect for the flow of energy and circulation,' Dooreck said to CBS4’s Jorge Estevez at the Miami Beach Senior Center, where the seniors were learning Yoga." See the news segment below:
Chair Yoga fo Seniors with Stacie, for Age Friendly Programs
Marin Independent Journal, Nov. 2018
Featured in the "Chair Yoga 2018: Ultimate Guide"
Sun Salutations with Stacie on Good Day Sacramento
Click here: Stacie on Good Day Sacramento, teaching yoga at Yoga Journal San Francisco. 2016
Meditate: Anywhere & Anytime for Inner Peace
Everyone Can Meditate: 10 Simple Steps, June 2018
Yoga for Everyone! on Urban Book Club March 2018
The Auspicious Light of Accessible Yoga, SF Yoga Magazine March 2018
"The AYC is growing all around the world and there are many gifted yoga teachers that I like to affectionately call “Jivana’s Angels." One such angel is Stacie Doorek, author of Chair Yoga, and a new book recently released, Yoga for Everyone...Yoga is more than these distractions. Stacie knows this and is devoted to Ahimsa, non violence, in an authentically strong yet humble voice. Like all of Jivana’s Angels, she has a way of showing a clear path through the pain of delusion with compassion and practical healing tools." -SF Yoga Magazine Click to read full article
SunLight Chair Yoga teacher training mentioned in the Yoga and Body Image Coalition:
"Stacie Dooreck, for not only providing a chair yoga trainings and classes that is SunLight Yoga, but for offering support whenever it’s needed. Thank you, Stacie."
"Stacie Dooreck, for not only providing a chair yoga trainings and classes that is SunLight Yoga, but for offering support whenever it’s needed. Thank you, Stacie."
The Fundamental Ethics of Yoga & Food Jan 2018
Can a meat-eating yoga teacher call themselves a yoga teacher? Jan, 2018
Seniors Shine at Chair Yoga - in Chicago Tribune Sept. 2016
In the Chicago Tribune: "Bordon was motivated to start the chair yoga class at Buckingham Pavilion after taking course training from Stacie Dooreck in Florida. Dooreck is a Sivananda Certified, Kundalini Yoga Instructor. Dooreck started chair yoga as a need to heal, and rehabilitate herself from Lyme Disease. Bordon believes everyone is capable of doing some form of yoga regardless of age or physical limitation. Click to read.
In the Chicago Tribune: "Bordon was motivated to start the chair yoga class at Buckingham Pavilion after taking course training from Stacie Dooreck in Florida. Dooreck is a Sivananda Certified, Kundalini Yoga Instructor. Dooreck started chair yoga as a need to heal, and rehabilitate herself from Lyme Disease. Bordon believes everyone is capable of doing some form of yoga regardless of age or physical limitation. Click to read.
Stacie Dooreck Of Sunlight Chair Yoga At The Accessible Yoga Conference
Sept 2017 SF Yoga Magazine Click to read.
Chair Yoga for Demential and Caregivers on Alzheimer's Speaks Radio, 2018
Chair Yoga & Yoga at Work on Body Wisdom podcast w/Dr. Michele Summers Colon-
Chair Yoga Knows No Limits on Be Yogi, 2015
Chant and Bhakti Yoga in India: practice for calmer days
Flow Like a River: Hatha Yoga from the Ganges
NY Post 2024: “You can sleep and feel better with this 5-minute desk routine, read the NY Post article Click here to read
CNN 2024: Chair yoga is not just for older people. It’s good for everyone, especially the desk-bound”
Chair Yoga: yoga for everyone!; Sivananda Yoga Farm Health Educator Site
The 5-Meditation Practice That Can Counteract Your Anxiety, Aging & More MindBodyGreen
Less is More: Simple Living and High Thinking; Edge Magazine
Harmony in Chaos: A Journey by the Ganges River; Yoganonymous
10 Sweet and Simple Tips for New Students; Elephant Journal
Simple Ideas for New Yoga Students; NY Wellness Guide
Chair Yoga Makes Yoga Accessible to Everyone; Yoganonymous
A Yogic Nonviolence Diet; Elephant Journal
Helping Others with Direct Action IS Yoga: Nepal earthquake relief; Yogitimes
Yoga at Home; Yogitimes
Quick Stress Relief for the Holidays; MindfulCity
Chair Yoga for Travel; Sivananda Yoga Retreat website
Chair Yoga Makes Yoga Accessible for Everyone!; Yoganonymous
Chair Yoga & Yoga at Work on YogiViews; Cable TV (2014)
CNN 2024: Chair yoga is not just for older people. It’s good for everyone, especially the desk-bound”
Chair Yoga: yoga for everyone!; Sivananda Yoga Farm Health Educator Site
The 5-Meditation Practice That Can Counteract Your Anxiety, Aging & More MindBodyGreen
Less is More: Simple Living and High Thinking; Edge Magazine
Harmony in Chaos: A Journey by the Ganges River; Yoganonymous
10 Sweet and Simple Tips for New Students; Elephant Journal
Simple Ideas for New Yoga Students; NY Wellness Guide
Chair Yoga Makes Yoga Accessible to Everyone; Yoganonymous
A Yogic Nonviolence Diet; Elephant Journal
Helping Others with Direct Action IS Yoga: Nepal earthquake relief; Yogitimes
Yoga at Home; Yogitimes
Quick Stress Relief for the Holidays; MindfulCity
Chair Yoga for Travel; Sivananda Yoga Retreat website
Chair Yoga Makes Yoga Accessible for Everyone!; Yoganonymous
Chair Yoga & Yoga at Work on YogiViews; Cable TV (2014)
Yoga in Chairs on cover of LA Yoga Magazine
Chair Yoga: Yoga for Everyone! 2014 Click to read.
Chair Yoga for Massage Therapists, Massage Magazine 2014
Chair Yoga in Womens World Magazine 2014
NPR News "Learning Yoga at 82", The California Report- KQED Health 2012

On the radio show The California Report/ KQED Health
"Learning Yoga at 82" with Stacie, from SunLight Yoga, teaching at the Redwoods Senior Home in Marin, CA. (2 min segment) Click here to listen or download.
"Chair Yoga: A Great Way To Practice" on NY Wellness Guide; 2014
Chair Yoga: Practice When Ill, Injured or At Work mindbodygreen: Click to read
Yoga for Geeks, Chair Yoga at Work on w/ SunLight Yoga
Kenya Star in Kenya, Africa: "Seniors Strike a Pose in Yoga"

Marin Magazine "Road Trip Yoga" 2012
From Chaos to Calm, Meditation for Beginners on 2012 Chair Yoga for Lyme disease patients 2012

Click on image oto read full book review/article.

A Minute to Win It on yogamint 2011
Green Plate Special on yogamint 2012
Simply Vegetarian"on yogamint 2011
Please Remain Seated on 2011
Green Plate Special on yogamint 2012
Simply Vegetarian"on yogamint 2011
Please Remain Seated on 2011
KQED NM News Segment on Yoga Gyms, featuring Stacie's class 1996
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